Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog Prompt #22

A. Series: Brainstorm various ways to make a “series” of photographic images.

1. taking photos of the same subject for a long period of time. For instance, a family picture every year for decades.
2. taking photos of the same subject but at different locations
3. taking photos of a theme in a similar context: daily life of different people
4. using the same camera techniques for different images, such as same lighting, color, angle or aperture

B. Final Project: Your final project in this class will be designed by you. If you could tackle any photography project, what would it be? You could combine other media with photography (video, sculpture, drawing) or you could take one of your earlier assignments and expand it to create a larger project. If you are expanding an earlier project or creating an entirely new series of images, shoot for a series of at least 5 images. Describe an idea you have for your final project.

I would like to do a project of food, and handcrafts and other media with my photo series. I wanna to make it a series of portraits and food and make it a  invented narrative series about different lifestyles. That is I want to use the food/handcrafts or the other media to reveal personalities.

1 comment:

  1. will the handcrafts be made by the person or owned by the person in the picture? or will you pick or make a handcraft based on your experience with the person? would there be a story created within in each image or as one sees the images together?

    this sounds good!
