Monday, November 1, 2010

Assignment #4(0) Recreation


Recreation: The original image from Hitoshi's flickr has a very nice shallow depth of field and the tone of the image is very soft. The background is more neutral colored —black, white and gray, however the focus of the image is the little green plant in the glass jar. The tender green color really stands out. The picture was taken inside and there were big windows in the room letting the lights come in. The room seemed a little dark.  The photographer appears to be trapped indoor. This makes me feel a desire to go out and enjoy the nature.   I really like the emotion conveyed by this photo.
My recreation has the same theme with an opposite setting. I still have plants and glass jar in my image, but the lighting is from outdoor (bright sunshine), the plants are rooted in the ground, and there are a bunch of colored pencils in the glass jar. I imaging this is a continue of the original image, and the photographer went outside using the pencils to draw/sketch the nature scene. 

another recreation: Domo-kun, official mascot of Japan NHK television station, is a mysterious creature that hatched from an egg. My recreation is about Domo and his friends.


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